Monday, June 9, 2008


Not starting an argument-cause I am not on here very much. So if you want to argue go somwhere else. This is just food for thought :) One mans opinion if yu will.
This is getting redunkulus though. On Friday just cause some silly Morgan Stanly analyst says that oil COULD go to 150.00 by July 4th-the market shot up $11.00. So all it takes now is for someone to say something COULD happen and oil is gonna go up. Nevermind that there was no solid evidence for this (picture him sitting in a room full of suits and smoking cigars and he looks at a compatriot and says) "Ya know Jeevs, the July 4th weekend is a comin-we could see oil hit 150 a barrel cause all americans will take to the road and Asias market is demanding more gas"
so some speculator hears this and runs with it. Next thing you know-oil shoots up on that. I mean normally oil rises on supply concerns or the usual Nigerian possible attack on a pipline (things that I still want PROOF of, btw I thought pipelines were burried-how can u attack a burried pipeline with a machine gun?) but to raise prices just cause someone says it MAY be at such and such, here is a little advice-next time say-"ya know demand is down in the US by 2.4 percent, maybe by August after the height of driving season oil could be DOWN to $88 dollars a barrel-see what the speculators do with THAT one.
So gas has slowly been going up but now because of this it will SOAR 15 cents in two days.
WEENING us to 4.00 so next year THEY will ween us to 5.00 then 6.00 and so on.
Gas could really be 1.50 now. There is plenty of supply according to the United Arab Emiterates (sp).
From 1975 to 2000 gas was avg $.69~$1.45
2001 Gas was avg $1.50~$1.85
2008 $3.93-$4.01
I still dont see how Asians and Chinas demand can seem to be so high-did everyone just turn 18 and start driving in one day?


B Hoppe - Hack Runner said...

China uses so much oil because they are finally coming out of the dark ages and actually using machinery/tools/etc that run on oil instead of using rickshaws and horses to do everything....

and they are pissed that we make them build all our toys for pennies a day, so they are stickin' it to us...

so to help in these times of gas shortages, i have started eating more beans...

B Hoppe

Rog said...

Okay-have to admit, that made me laugh (the part of stickin it to us)