Thursday, June 5, 2008

Ugh, this heat

This is why I do not like when it gets excessivley hot. I swear I only got three hours of sleep last night. My house is at 75 but upstairs is more like 80 and throw in the fact that at 11pm last night it was still 84 outside, even with a fan on and NO covers-it was sweat sleep. I even ran cold water on a washcloth and ran that over me to get a "windchill" effect, but that barely helped.


Beth Johnson said...

Dude, doesn't your A/C work?:) Or are you trying to be like dad and leaving the wondwos open no matter how hot it is outside?:)

Rog said...

ac works-its just 10 degrees hotter upstiars esp when its hot as hades outside.
75 downstairs = 80~84 upstairs